The artist formally known as Kanye West has officially joined the social media platform Telegram after frequently being censored on Instagram and permanently banned on Twitter.
Telegram is known to be one of the least censorious social media platforms. It is a messaging app, however, those with accounts can create and follow channels. Popular accounts that have been censored on other platforms have massive followings on the app, which is still currently available on the apple app store and Google Playstore.
While Gab is the most pro-free speech platform, Telegram is likely second place. The app allows the posting of images, videos, and even live-stream broadcasts. Users say they enjoy the one-click download feature of videos and images.
Ye has joined the platform under Ye24Official. You can locate and follow his channel here by clicking ‘join channel’ at the bottom of your screen.
Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, said on the platform that he “personally wanted to punch Kanye” after the producer and fashion icon posted a Raelian symbol to his personal Twitter page. The Raelian symbol is the star of David with a Swastika in the middle.
This comes after Musk permanently banned Ye from the platform, claiming the potential presidential candidate “violated our rule against incitement to violence.”